Advil Case Study

Advil ReDesigned Web Platform

Client: GlaskoSmithKlein Pharmaceuticals


Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Adobe XD


Team lead, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Component library centralization

Existing Platform

The existing Advil product suite is comprised of 4 different product sub domains; Advil, AdvilPM, Children’s Advil, Advil Cold & Allergy. Each product sub domain featured slightly different formatting as well product specific color/branding. There is currently capability of purchasing Advil products through the Advil web platform. Users may view product information, local retailers, and other web platform selling their product, but there is currently no shopping cart functionality on the Advil web platform.

Key Problem

The problem with structuring their web platform this way is that it becomes a nightmare to maintain styling consistency and optimize customer flows. Ultimately you want to be able to funnel users towards common actions, for example a centralized purchase flow. Distributed sub-domains makes conversion optimization as well as improvement of the visual quality difficult in the current system design.

Key Interaction Solutions

Wireframing Core Interactions

High Resolution Prototype